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Information about EgyGab Real Estate Development Company EgyGap Company was founded in 1977 by Eng. Samir Jaballah. With an ambitious, broad and thoughtful vision, and an extensive network, EgyGab Holding Company We have started this series of fruitful achievements and the company is undertaking many projects and special commissaries, which are working to implement business in different locations throughout Cairo. In 1994, the company's first project appeared in the educational sector through the establishment of the "Egyptian School of Education". These basic elements include development, and were expanded to include the national date in 1996.

Information about EgyGab Real Estate Development Company EgyGap Company was founded in 1977 by Eng. Samir Jaballah. With an ambitious, broad and thoughtful vision, and an extensive network, EgyGab Holding Company We have started this series of fruitful achievements and the company is undertaking many projects and special commissaries, which are working to implement business in different locations throughout Cairo. In 1994, the company's first project appeared in the educational sector through the establishment of the "Egyptian School of Education". These basic elements include development, and were expanded to include the national date in 1996.

EGYGAB projects

0 projects