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A Business That Builds Businesses

Investor Relation

RE/MAX ALMOHAGER humanizes its relations with real estate investors:

In real estate investing, there is no B2B or B2C. Everything H2H.

Humanizing work is an interesting and widespread topic. You may have heard some business people say that there is no B2B or B2C, just H2H (human to human).

Real estate investing is and will continue to be a relationship-driven business where gaining the trust and goodwill of investors is an important part of the DNA of every successful real estate investment company.

Therefore, focusing on building deeper and stronger relationships with investors and stakeholders is the overall strategy and this represents a strong competitive advantage for RE/MAX ALMOHAGER.


There are many ways to strengthen those relationships by humanizing real estate investor relations practices and keeping our investors comfortable throughout the life of the deal.

We are well aware of how investment professionals should communicate with investors in an elegant way that makes them feel like they are human and not just another "consumer".


1- We share with our investors their passion and convictions:


We understand that when real estate investors invest capital, they are not just investing in the transaction, they are investing in us portfolio managers. We will tell them our motivations and why that will make us all successful in the deal at hand.

 As investor relations professionals, we must have passion and vision because they are the deciding factor in whether our investors trust us to make the right decisions at the right time.

Nobody experiences disappointments, frustrations, struggles and surprises during the workflow.

 In today's world, it's hard to get emotional about your work. But, by sharing our passion with investors, not only will we show our full potential, but we will go beyond that and investors will naturally be more confident in us and in our abilities.

2- Involve investors:

Real estate investors want the deal to succeed as fully as international relations professionals. Investors are able to provide valuable input based on their previous real estate and investment experiences. So we have the experience to share their ideas, connect with and evaluate those ideas.


A great way to enable our investors to get more involved is to have regular but short conference call appointments with them.

 Every two weeks during periods of market activity and monthly in normal conditions, which makes the rhythm regular. Not only will these conference calls be helpful, but an open invitation to investors to share their ideas and concerns.

3- Recognizing the value of investors outside the capital:

Investors represent significant value beyond the money they invest. As real estate investment experts, it is crucial to acknowledge this and help our investors feel that their value is appreciated.

4- Communicate frankly/honestly:

Deals involving multi-person capital require a huge amount of communication. Investors should be kept informed of the progress of the transaction. Communicating openly and honestly will not only earn us the trust of investors, but the relationship will be healthier overall.


Transparency We can provide different levels of transparency upon request. We can choose to use simple solutions such as Dropbox to share documents or search the electronic service provided to investors and inform them of everything important and new.

 And think about how the tools can help give investors seamless access to the information and documents they may request in a way that makes them happy.

5- Giving attention, accuracy and brevity in every communication with the continuous:

Every investor relations professional has to deal with distributing documents and sending emails to investors however spending the extra time directing each email to the individual and adding custom snippets to reports ( brief paragraphs summarizing what the report says) makes All investors feel appreciated.

 We also have official paid accounts with Zoom online conferencing software.

6- Set boundaries, expectations, and goals:

One of the easiest and most effective steps to building a strong relationship with investors is setting expectations from the start. Setting clear expectations and vision from the start will provide multiple benefits. These benefits include; Clarity with investors, a key measure of the future performance of a deal, ongoing communication, and a way to hold everyone involved accountable if expectations are not met.


7- Develop deal management skills:

There is always a stir when dealing with investors and real estate deals. We know how to manage this between us and the investor or anyone else who will keep the relationship throughout the transaction calm and healthy. We know the origins of the difference well and deal with opposing viewpoints, everything can go smoothly.

Various strategies for improving deal management skills include:


Addressing the issue in particular

We determine the most effective method when dealing with conflicts

We create an environment that enjoys open communication, allowing everyone to have a say

We review the understanding of each issue to ascertain whether the issue needs to be addressed or just a misunderstanding.


8- Manifestations of celebration and congratulations:

When the deal is successful we remind investors of how important they are to the team and help them feel that way. We highlight the specific things that investors did to make the deal work that had positive effects.

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