Offices For Rent Or For Sale in Egypt
Offices and administrative buildings in Egypt
Egypt began early in the early 1950s with the construction of Egypt's first modern administrative building, the Tahrir Complex, and in the 1960s and 1970s a number of specialized administrative buildings were built in Cairo and Alexandria and in some governorates.
In the last 20 years, specialized administrative buildings have been expanded at all levels and have dedicated spaces within the new communities.
Modern administrative offices and buildings in Cairo, Giza, Alexandria and other governorates have attracted both international companies and Major Egyptian and Arab companies.
The lease of unwritten administrative flats has been widespread for more than 20 years, with the owners of administrative buildings renting the administrative offices often without internal finishing, with the tenant making internal finishes at his expense or a special agreement with the landlord.
However, in recent times, as a result of significant increases in the prices of ores and equipment, most tenants and buyers have gone to full-finished administrative offices to save high finishing expenses and save liquidity.
As a result of the rapid development of public taste and the wishes of local and international tenants, a generation of real estate developers specializing in the development and construction of administrative and commercial buildings has developed a positive impact on this type of specialized building and has produced varied levels that accommodate a significant proportion of users, investors and management companies that have also found space for their activities in the fragmentation of administrative flats to offices of various spaces and full flexibility in rental terms.
Amid this diversity and rapid prolongation in the market of buildings and administrative offices in Cairo, Giza and the governorates of Egypt, Remax highlights the migrant company for real estate marketing with more than 32 years experience in selling and leasing offices and administrative buildings in the regions of Cairo (Egypt New, Nasr City, New Cairo, Administrative Capital, Downtown, Shurooq, Maadi) Giza (Dokki, Agouza, Mohandiseen, Sheikh Zayed, 6 of October, desert road).
We can help you effectively and positively lease, sell or evaluate your administrative property, and we can progress a lot to help you get the best options for your company or your person if you want to rent or buy a flat, office or administrative building.